

If you can crane it… you can stick it!

“Any man’s finest hour… is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle – victorious.”
–Vince Lombardi
“Somebody may beat me, but they are going to have to bleed to do it.”
–Steve Prefontaine

Details for the Season 2024/2025 Season coming soon

THE 2022 / 2023 SEASON IS HERE!

Become a serious athlete and join the Rogue Parkour Gym Parkour Competition Team! Develop your athleticism and challenge yourself.

Come try out for theRogue Parkour Gym Competition Team!

Try outs will be on Sunday August 21, 2022 at 3:00pm. Tryouts shouldn’t last longer than 2 hours. Athletes should have completed theRogue Parkour Gym Competition Team Application and turned it in or bring it with them on the day of try-outs.

To be on the Comp Team, you must be an Earth Band or higher athlete. You must be dedicated to the sports of Parkour and Freerunning. You will be expected to commit to the team for the season. That means showing up to practices and competitions and supporting your fellow teammates throughout the season.

The application for Competition Team is online. Please click here to open the application. It will automatically be sent to Team Coach Lucas.

What you get when you become a Team Member

Join the Rogue Parkour Gym Comp Team and get a Team wristband which gives you access to the gym anytime during operating hours to train. You’ll get a Team shirt to show your Team pride and to wear to competitions. You will also receive the exclusive Rogue Parkour Gym Team Newsletter featuring weekly workouts, skill challenges, and Parkour community highlights.

Team members get free entry in any Rogue Parkour Gym competitions.* This includes the Annual Zombie Comp and Anniversary Jam and all Rogue Parkour Gym Mini-Comps.

Team members are required to participate in these competitions and may further be required to compete in other competitions during the year.

Our Competition Team practices for an hour and half twice a week and are held at Rogue Parkour Gym. However, on the first Sunday of the month, the Team will meet at an iconic San Diego Parkour spot for a 2 hour outdoor practice.

When you join the Team, you will get an Rogue Parkour Gym Competition Team jersey. Team jerseys are designed each year and each athlete gets their name or nickname on their shirt.

An Rogue Parkour Gym Coach will accompany the Team to SoCal competitions to include WCPKC qualifiers at FIM, Firestorm and Collective Movements.

Our Team is a fun and effective way for you to get the most out of Parkour, and see what the entire community can offer!

Team Practices

Practices will be held twice a week. Wednesdays at 6:00 – 7:30pm and Sundays 1:00 – 2:30pm at Rogue Parkour Gym. We will still hold outdoor practice on the first Sunday of the month from 1:00 – 3:00pm at iconic Parkour spots throughout San Diego.

Joining the Rogue Parkour Gym Team is restricted to athletes who have achieved their Earth Band Stripe or higher in our band system.

If you are interested in becoming part of the Rogue Parkour Gym Team please ask our Front Desk for more information on how to contact the Head Coach.

*Some competitions held at Rogue Parkour Gym are co-hosted or run through other organizations and their entry fees may not be covered by Rogue Parkour Gym Comp Team fees.


What is the value of joining the Team?

Joining the Rogue Parkour Gym Comp Team has a monetary value of more than $4000 for each team member. This includes the practices, entrance to competitions, Team jersey and Coach support at competitions.

However, athletes get more than just this financial value from joining the Team. They also get the comraderie and support of being part of a dedicated and professional organization. They will learn both personal and training discipline and gain personal and athletic growth.

What is the cost of joining the Competition Team?

The cost for this $4000+ value for the nine month season is just $1200. We do offer a financing plan if you would prefer to break the payment up into monthly payments. There is a $10 per month administrative fee for financing the cost.

Members receive their discount on this amount. Tier 3 Members get 20% off and Tier 2 Members get 15% off. We are also giving 10% off to Tier 1 Members for the Competition Team. This discount applies whether you pay up front or choose to finance the cost over the 9 months. 

*See the cost chart below.

Can I join for just a few months of the season?

All athletes will be committed to the entire season and expected to participate with the Team for its entirety. 

There is no early terminating for the season. No refunds can be granted and you will be required to continue to pay the monthly dues if you financed 

What if I get injured during the season? Can I suspend my Comp Team dues or terminate?

The Rogue Parkour Gym Competition Team is just that… a Team. We expect each athlete to commit to the Team and show up to all practices even if they are injured. If you are unable to train during a practice, you can still gain valuable knowledge by attending practice. You can also still provide support for your Teammates and get support from them in return.

Heck! Perhaps a Teammate has a magic strength exercise to help you through that sprain or muscle pull.

What if I am new to Rogue Parkour Gym and the season has already begun? Can I still join the Team?

Yes. We will prorate the season’s cost for you so that you can join the Team after the season has already begun.

There will be a one-time administrative fee if you join after the start of the season.

  • Join in September 2022 and pay the full price.
  • Join in October 2022 and pay an administrative fee of $50.
  • Join in November 2022 and pay an administrative fee of $75.
  • Join after December 2022 and pay an administrative fee of $100.
  • After March of 2023, Rogue Parkour Gym will not be able to provide a Team jersey to anyone joining the Rogue Parkour Gym Comp Team due to supply and delivery timing.
If I pay in full at the beginning of the season and upgrade my membership, will I get the discount?

No. When you pay in full we cannot refund any difference in discount amounts.